Termite Inspections for a Veterans Administration (VA) Loan.
In Washingtn State, and most of our country, a termite inspection is required whenever VA financing is involved in a new home loan or refinance. They require a cleared report on the NPMA-33 in order to close the loan. In Washington State we commonly call it a WDO (wood destroying organism) or pest inspection.
Termites thrive in warm, humid climates typically found in the Southwest through Southeast states spanning from Hawaii to Florida. Termites can cause massive structural & financial damage, so VA lenders are very cautious when insuring a loan on a property. The cleared report is very specific and the inspectors hold a particular license renewed by yearly continuing education.
It can be challenging to find a termite inspector in Washington State since our climate is not as habitable for these insects. Pest or insect treatment companies will advertise “termite inspections” on their website because they will indeed inspect and treat affected areas. However, this is not the same inspection required and certified by the VA for loan clearance. Therefore a neutral licensed inspector who does not have any affiliation with the treatment company is used to provide the information and report. Pest control/treatment companies have steered away from these inspection since after 1991 state legislation passed House Bill 1156 governing these inspections requiring a separate/specific licnese for each individual as well as a separate more specific insurance policy.
Washington State primarily caters to the preferences of dampwood termites. Their name describes exactly what they infest: damp wood. Often found outside in an old stump or old rotten firewood, this is exactly where they should be. They are playing their part in natural decomposition.
Do I ever find them in the house? Sure, when the wood building materials are rotten, in the ground or with ground contact. In this case, what is the main underlying condition? Rotten wood attracts termites like a freshly stocked buffet. In these cases, I recommend to remove the rotten wood and remedy the conducive condition causing the rotten wood. No chemical treatment necessary. Dampwood termite infestations are a secondary infestation. Meaning there is a larger problem needing repair causing them to intrude and if you fix that problem, they will leave. Otherwise known as the conducive condition.
Termites cause major property damage nationwide leading the VA to require a termite inspection and cleared report on the NPMA-33 form. In WA State we recognize this but also know that there are many other destructive intruders and wood destroyers which is why we include other wood destroying organisms such as:
1. Wood decay/rot as well as wood infesting beetles and ants. We also inspect for conducive conditions and report on how to eliminate these conducive conditions. For example, a structural post resting directly on soil In the crawl space, instead of properly on a concrete pad. A crawl space without ventilation or missing a vapor liner, presence of siding directly in the ground, etc. All things that could lead to rot or infestations.
Once our full wood destroying organism inspection is complete we provide a report on the standard WA State wood destroying organism report form as well as the NPMA 33-for if necessary, which again would be if this is for a VA loan.
The most common place you will find dapwood termites are at your own home… outside in dead rotting wood. These videos I took at my house exploring the firewood before a routine family bonfire with my family.
Yes, I am qualified and licensed to perform Termite/WDO inspections for VA loans as well as any other loan or client needing the inspection. The most common reason for needing the inspection and report is for VA loan but also even in a conventional loan if the appraiser sees a infestation or damage related to it they will request the inspection and the loan will not close until satisfied. We are licensed through the Wa State department of agriculture, license number 79061 and keep up on our creditentles through continuing education and testing. We also carry errors and omissions and general liability insurance as required by the department of aggriculture.
They can, however each individual in the company performing the inspection would need a additional license as well as a separate or different insurance policy from what they carry for the treatment. Most major companies don't find the value in this and prefer to leave the inspection job for the inspection companies.
Primarely Snohomish, King and Pierce. However I will travel to other counties for an additional trip fee.
No. The reason is simple, each state has it’s requirements for Termite Inspections and my license is only valid for Washington State.
Moisure – Conditions producing excessive moisture are the most critical because most, if not all, wood destroying organisms rely on elevated moisture levels to infest a structure. Rot requires moisture content in excess of 20% to develop and dampwood termites and moisture ants prefer even wetter.
Wood decay. Not only does wood decay casuse the most damage to structures in the pacific northwest but they cause more than all insects combined.
The best way to get started is by emailing me or calling me directly. My schedule is very flexible and I am always ready and happy to help, especially because I know how time sensitive these inspections are with the lenders.
Below you will see a dampwood termite soldier on the left and dampwood termite nymph on the right.

Dampwood termite fecal pellets and infested wood

Carpenter ant Parent colony outside the home

Same property, Carpenter ant satellite colony inside the crawlspace

Conducive condition- concrete patio poured Directly against the siding. Looks fine right?
Nope. Adjascent side inside the crawlspace lies a moisture and infestation.